
Thursday, February 26, 2015

From Belle's Library | Home by Julie Andrews

Let me start by saying, I think Julie Andrews has been remarkable in everything she's done. I love her acting and singing and wish I could have seen her perform on stage. So right away, this book, Home, by Julie Andrews, was going to appeal to me.

This is an autobiography, read by the author -- which I love -- about her early life. It takes the reader right up to her moving to LA to do Mary Poppins with Walt Disney. I didn't have any expectations about this book going into it, and I'm glad. It's a rather quiet story about a young, very talented girl with a very tumultuous childhood. I didn't realize there was so much upheaval in her early life. She seems such a staid and even person!

It was interesting to hear about her early years performing in the vaudeville circuit, her amazing voice coach and her early romance. I always wonder about the stories behind the personalities we've come to know and love. It's always more complicated than we think. As one would expect, this is a very upbeat story, highlighting the best memories and even finding the silver lining to a rough childhood. It was a wonderful read. If you have fans of Julie Andrews in your life, or of the musical theater, I am certain they would find this book appealing. To the average Disney fan, it may fall a little flat.

Until next time, may all your days be filled with fairy dust!

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