

Merryweather's cottage is a special place for Disney DIYers to connect, explore, and find some magic of their own. Here you can find crafts, games, patterns, and projects for magic-makers of all levels. Whether it's extra magic in the parks, or a little magic right where you live, this is the place to find it. We are Disney veterans with 35 trips under our belts. If we could dream it, we've done it! And truth be told, we can't wait to go and do it again. We are excited to share our tips and tricks with you.

We feel it important to mention that we have a special place in our hearts for the boys who love Disney as much as we do. It can be harder for boys to find magic in the parks, but not impossible. We will try and give some special attention to our fellow princes, pirates, thrill-seekers, and Ferb fans. They deserve some extra magic too.

 A note on our name: Merryweather is one of the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty (and has recently made an appearance in Sophia the First). You may know Merryweather as the fairy who amended Maleficent's evil spell, or who insisted upon a blue dress. Along with the help of Flora and Fauna, Merryweather harbored Aurora in a woodland cottage until her 16th birthday, passing herself off as a human. Fairies can be tricky like that! We hope to be inspired by her spunk, her goodness, and her stealth.

We hope you enjoy your travels with us. If you have any questions or would like us to consider a guest post, please don't hesitate to ask! May your days be filled with fairy dust.


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I have recently shown some LOVE for your blog on my own blog "Mouse Ears & Magic" LOVE your blog!

  2. She's always been my favorite fairy. I love that she is cute, not skinny, and tenacious. Love your blog name.
