
Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Disney St. Patrick's Day

We love to celebrate St. Patrick's Day here in the cottage; with several birthdays falling on the 17th, it's become a big celebration! But when it comes to Disney, it's a little trickier to find some Irish magic; however, not impossible. Now some of you may be tempted to go in the direction of Brave, the new pixar movie. And for those of us not familiar with the politics of the UK, we might get away with it. But let us not forget that Brave takes place in Scotland. And there is NO celebration of St. Patrick and his roots anywhere in Scotland. They have their own patron saint to celebrate.

That being said, there is an old and dare we say, obscure, Disney movie that IS quite Irish: Darby O-Gill and the Little People. This is a live action film from 1959, and a regular part of my childhood movie viewing. It was just the slightest bit scary (there is a banshee and a death wagon) and still full of enchantment. Exactly the sort of thing Disney was known for in our house. (Think Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc.) If you are interested in this little known, and often disregarded, part of Disney history, this is just the right thing for your St. Patrick's Day celebrations. It is available through Amazon, as well as on Netflix, but only as a DVD. And if the obscurity of it in not enough to convince you, this little gem has the added benefit of starring Sean Connery as a young man. You just never know what you're gonna get when the Walt Disney Studios gets involved!

Tomorrow we'll raise a glass to St. Patrick as we sing along with Sean Connery, Darby O'Gill, & the Little People. Perhaps you will too. Until next time, may all your days be filled with fairy dust!

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